

ScaleUp by the Numbers

Definitive Guide to Sales KPIs

Utilizing data from over 275 SaaS companies, learn which sales metrics are most important, how to calculate them, and how you measure up against industry benchmarks.

Sales KPI Summary

New & Expansion Bookings Growth Rate

NPS & Gross Revenue Retention

Win Rate

Custome Acquisition Cost (CAC) & CAC Payback

Net Revenue Retention (NRR)

New vs. Expansion Bookings Mix

Sales & Marketing Expense as a Percentage of Revenue

Quota Attainment

SaaS Quick Ratio

This data is self-reported by over 275 companies Insight Partners works with, collected quarterly throughout 2021. While this report provides a point of reference for KPIs across various stages of growth and sales motions, not every company is the same. These metrics can serve as a guiding point through each stage of your ScaleUp journey. Insight portfolio companies can further contextualize this data with SaaS experts in the Insight Onsite team.

How to Use the Data

Further Reading

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